National Royalty Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1How is my offer determined?
Our analysis takes into account a number of factors; from recent production history, history of the field, oil and gas pricing trends and your interest type. Our goal is to provide you the highest fair market value that makes sense for both sides.  The decision to keep or sell your property is yours, of course. 
2Why do my oil and gas royalty checks vary?

Over time, all wells experience a decline in the amount of oil and gas produced. This is because there is only so much oil and gas in a well. Every month that oil and gas are taken out, there is less remaining to produce; this leads to a steady reduction in production and a corresponding decrease in the amount of your monthly check.

In addition, oil and gas production and oil and gas prices will vary from month to month. Changes in volumes produced and prices paid will cause fluctuations in your monthly checks. Occasionally, a well may experience a mechanical problem that will cause production to cease for all or part of the month. This will reduce your check for that month. These are the primary reasons why your checks fluctuate or decline.

3Can I sell only a portion of what I own?
Certainly. You may decide to sell your entire royalty interest or just a part of it. We will be happy to provide you with offers for whatever portion of your interest you choose.
4How do I receive an offer?
That’s easy. If you’re selling oil and gas royalties, you can either email us at or simply call us toll free at 800-601-3196. Our staff of engineers and petroleum professionals will be happy to discuss your options.
5How long does it typically take to sell my oil and gas royalty interests?
Once we have the documentation we need and determine things are in order, it can take less than a week. We make every effort to close your sale as quickly, efficiently and easily as possible.